Essential Rental Equipment for Tree Trimming and Removal

Tree trimming and removal is a crucial task for any contractor involved in landscaping or maintenance of outdoor spaces. And when it comes to equipment for this job, renting is the smartest way to go. That’s where Vandalia Rental comes in. We offer a wide range...

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Transform Your Construction Projects with Backhoe Power

In the fast-paced world of construction, having the right equipment can make all the difference. Among the versatile tools that construction professionals, equipment operators, and small business owners rely on are the Backhoe 4Γ—4-W/Cab 70Hp and the Backhoe 4Γ—4 W/Cab...

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6 Basic Safety Tips for Using a Rented Lift

As an equipment rental business, we have a lot of regular customers that we’re always happy to see. But we also specialize in helping new teams approach some of the larger equipment. Equipment rental is unique because so many people come through our doors with a...

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Vandalia Rental has been exceptional to work with! The equipment has been great to use and anytime we have an issue they are quick to respond and get us the help we need. Everyone I have spoken to at Vandalia puts their customer first and is willing to go the extra...

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