Four Reasons You Should Schedule Your Project Equipment in Advance

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There is a lot of planning that takes place beforehand for a project to be smooth sailing. An essential part of this planning process involves assigning tasks to the juniors and ensuring you have the right equipment. It’s vital to note, however, that having the right equipment isn’t enough. You should ensure you schedule your project equipment in advance, and here is why.

Why Schedule Your Project Equipment in Advance?

Scheduling equipment in advance makes the process smooth sailing in many ways and has many benefits. Described herein are some benefits you’ll enjoy when you do.

1. Helps You Identify the Equipment Needed

A project, no matter how simple it might be, often involves several stages. Each of these might require single or several types of equipment. For instance, if it’s a demolition project, you might need an excavator, a dozer, and a backhoe loader. Or you might need all three. Scheduling your project equipment beforehand enables you to identify the exact types of gear you’ll require; you’ll also outline at what stage you will need it.

2. Equipment Scheduling Prevents Delays

As a contractor, you already know that all construction or industrial projects cannot take place without the necessary equipment. Therefore, determining the equipment needed isn’t enough. You need to confirm its availability before you can set the date.

This is especially important when renting; you may set the date only to find the equipment you need has been rented out. In other instances, you might find only a single one is available; meanwhile, you needed several to complete your project. The only way to determine whether the equipment needed is available and prevent delays or dependency is through equipment scheduling.

3. Gives You Time To Assess The Quality Of The Equipment

The construction industry has been evolving with technology. Nowadays, gear such as backhoe loaders, lightweight boom lifts, and track skid loaders come with better and more advanced features. When you schedule, you not only confirm availability but also get time to assess the equipment’s capabilities. If the gear doesn’t have the features you’re looking for, then you’ll still have enough time to review other options at your own pace.

Failure to schedule means you’ll be unable to assess the quality of the equipment. It also means you’ll have to take the next available option if the gear you had planned on using doesn’t meet the required standards. Unfortunately, the next available option might be too expensive hence affecting the rest of the plan, including the expected profitability as expenditure costs increase. To avoid such a scenario, schedule your project equipment in advance.

4. Create Solutions Beforehand

Even a well-laid out plan has the potential to change along the way. For instance, you may plan to finish your project in a month only for things to change, leaving you with two weeks only. Under such a situation, you have no option but to increase the number of people on your time and also equipment so you can have quality outcome. Other than time constraints, there are many other changes which might come up that directly or indirectly influence your equipment.

How does scheduling your equipment help in such scenarios? Well by planning for your equipment in advance you’ll create room for such changes, hence completing projects without causing delays or increasing costs.  For instance, with proper scheduling, it’s possible to arrange with the company you’re renting from to allocate extra equipment if need arises before the project is over. This will in turn enable you to finish the project in time hence ensuring that your profits aren’t affected in any way.


As you’ve seen, scheduling your project equipment in advance is for your own benefit. It enables you to deliver quality outcomes on time which in turn boosts your reputation as a contractor. Contact us today to learn more about our gear renting policies and for an obligation-free consultation on construction and industrial gear.